Tips to reduce EMFs in your home – e-book

We all would like to keep EMFs in our home as low as possible for the sake of our health and that of our family. But how can we reduce radiation without sacrificing convenience? Since 2011, JRS Eco Wireless has been on a mission to help people reduce electromagnetic radiation. We've compiled our best tips for reducing radiation in the home in our new e-book 'Tips to reduce EMFs in your home´. The e-book contains many tips that measurably reduce radiation in the home. If there is anything we have learned, it is that we need to start with ourselves and...

How much exposure to radiation do wireless bluetooth earphones cause?

More and more people are aware that holding a mobile phone to your ear during a call leads to excessive radiation exposure. Even Apple warns in its manual that you should not put the phone against your head. So it's safer to use the speaker or a headset. But which headset is the lowest radiation? And what about Airpods or other earbuds?

Bluetooth radiation

Wireless headsets work via bluetooth. That's a technology that emits electromagnetic fields (EMFs) similar to what comes out of your phone. There are many studies showing biological effects of EMFs. The point is, bluetooth earbuds sit in...

10 tips to reduce radiation in your bedroom

Does your sleeping environment contribute to a good night's sleep? In terms of radiation, there is a lot to improve in many a bedroom.

What kind of radiation do you have in your home?

We cannot see electromagnetic radiation, but it can be measured and made audible with measuring equipment. We distinguish between high-frequency radiation such as wifi, dect, Bluetooth, transmission towers (UMTS, 4G, 5G), and cell phones, but also to low-frequency radiation such as electric fields from pipes in walls and ceilings.

Tips for reducing high-frequency radiation in the bedroom

Remove the cell phone from your bedroom, and definitely don't put it...

Electromagnetic radiation – Health risks of wireless equipment in the 5G era (full lecture transcript)

Expert 5G Meeting Provincial Council of Friesland 11 March 2020

[00:00:00] Hello, my name is Jan-Rutger Schrader. I am an electrical engineer. I was working in the research lab in the south of the country on the latest generation of cell phones. Whilst there it became clear to me that wireless technology was having a noticeable effect on my health and I felt I could no longer work in the wireless industry. I am a member of the Dutch Association of Measurement Specialists in Electromagnetic Radiation (VEMES). We offer EMF measurements to people who have complaints at home or in the...

(Not) Utopia

A short film by Kosta Nikas of Screen Light Pictures. (Source) An unwitting man visits his family in a technocratic nightmare society, where citizens betray each other for personal gain using their smartphone. So terrible that it's comical. Duration: 15 mins. UTOPIA | Omeleto

How much power does 5G consume?

The promise around 5G is enormous, and an enchanting high-tech future is projected for us. But what about power consumption and climate impact? How much electricity does 5G consume? To achieve gigabit speeds, the plan with 5G is to have it operate at very high frequencies of 24-26 Gigahertz. For this reason, 5G requires millions of new so-called "small cells," for example, transmitters in lampposts. Billions of new wireless devices will soon be available worldwide. All of the above consumes electricity. The network, the processing of the signals, the data centers, and the main users: the transmitters and receivers.

Many bits...

Something Is In The Air – documentary about cell phone radiation and 5G

Source: FlippedMedia Is radiation from your cell phone or cell towers harmful for your health? Or the environment? The scientific debate is on-going. Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How do governments make sure the radiation stays within healthy limits? What will happen to insects when 5G is fully rolled out? These questions and many more are explored in this film, Something is in the air. Among the scientists interviewed are Dariusz Leszczynski and Anssi Auvinen. Something Is In The Air - The cell phone radiation documentary Subtitles can be turned on from the...

Is a wifi booster/repeater/extender a good idea in terms of radiation?

Is a wifi booster, also called a wifi range extender, a good idea for improving wireless reception in the home? We don't think so, and in this article we present 3 low radiation alternatives. Due to working at home and the children learning at home, the demand for wifi within the home has recently increased dramatically. The question we often get is: how can I improve wifi range in my home in a low radiation manner? First and foremost, we always say: 'hardwired' is the best, because it's radiation free. Did you know that you can even connect an iPad and...

Michigan Senator Testifies on Health Risks of 5G

Source: EHTrust In a spectacular speech, Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton of  Michigan USA testifies on 5G Small Cells and the Internet of things. He is urging lawmakers to vote no on 5G small cell streamlining bills. In this testimony the Senator shares information from the Bioinitiative Report, electrosensitivity,  the health risks of 5G and the concerns about millimeter waves. He stresses that children are more vulnerable and has strong concerns about Wi-Fi in schools, the problems with FCC limits and much more. Colbeck cites health as reason to slow 5G rush See also U.S. senator Blumenthal raises...

Book: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs

A great new book has been published called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs - How to fix our stupid use of technology. This delightfully written and well researched book is about one of the most important health threats of the 21st century: electromagnetic fields or EMFs. With ever increasing exposure as new technologies are rolled out, the end is nowhere near in sight. In a highly sincere way, writer Nicolas Pineault presents the science, the safety standards, and most importantly gives practical advice about what you can do to protect yourself and the ones you love. This work is based on more than...