Something Is In The Air – documentary about cell phone radiation and 5G

Source: FlippedMedia Is radiation from your cell phone or cell towers harmful for your health? Or the environment? The scientific debate is on-going. Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How do governments make sure the radiation stays within healthy limits? What will happen to insects when 5G is fully rolled out? These questions and many more are explored in this film, Something is in the air. Among the scientists interviewed are Dariusz Leszczynski and Anssi Auvinen. Something Is In The Air - The cell phone radiation documentary Subtitles can be turned on from the...

Federal Communications Commission (FCC): corrupted by the industries it is supposed to regulate

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the government agency in America that regulates the maximum allowed transmission power of cell towers, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices. It's sort of like the FDA, but for everything wireless. The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University published a book that explains in detail how the FCC is dominated by the industries it is supposed to regulate, and how the FCC is in fact controlled by industry. You can download the full e-book here: FCC: Captured Agency - Norm Alster

FCC ignores scientists, doctors, people with health damage, and...

Initiative with lots of information about wifi radiation in schools: TechSafe Schools

Source: TechSafe Schools is a brand new initiative launched by the non-profit organization Grassroots Environmental Education. Previous projects have included The BabySafe Project. TechSafe Schools is a project useful for schools, teachers and parents who want to reduce children's exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in school. The project is very comprehensive and full of science and simple, effective tools. It also features free webinars with experts from various backgrounds on the topic of radiation in schools. This information is ideal to use to educate local schools about switching to safer technologies.

Is a wifi booster/repeater/extender a good idea in terms of radiation?

Is a wifi booster, also called a wifi range extender, a good idea for improving wireless reception in the home? We don't think so, and in this article we present 3 low radiation alternatives. Due to working at home and the children learning at home, the demand for wifi within the home has recently increased dramatically. The question we often get is: how can I improve wifi range in my home in a low radiation manner? First and foremost, we always say: 'hardwired' is the best, because it's radiation free. Did you know that you can even connect an iPad and...

5G health risks for highest frequencies unknown, writes Netherlands Health Council

2020 - In its report on 5G, the Health Council of the Netherlands recommends postponing the rollout of the 'second wave' 26 Gigahertz frequency band. No research has yet been conducted into the health risks of these high 5G frequencies. The committee advises to do more research into the connection with cancer, reduced male fertility and birth defects. The committee conducted a worldwide search for scientific studies related to this never before used 26 GHz frequency band, but only found a handful of radar studies. The nine-member committee writes in its report that there is a lot of public concern about...

Which phone has the lowest radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation from phones is a health risk, as shown in a growing number of studies. You can strongly reduce your exposure by using a headset, and by not wearing the phone on your body all day. SAR values don't say much. It's like having a speed limit of 10,000,000 km/h on the highway. Moreover, they are only measured in an (artificial) head and not e.g. on the thyroid gland. Using Internet via wifi on a modern smartphone gives the most radiation, much more than using Internet via mobile data when there is a good signal...

European Parliament resolution: health risks associated with electromagnetic fields

Update March 2020: Briefing on Effects of 5G wireless communication on human health - European Parliamentary Research Service - PE 646.172 European Parliament resolution of 2 April 2009 on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields (2008/2211(INI)) On 2 April 2009, the European Parliament adopted the resolution entitled 'Health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields (EMF)' by 566 votes in favour.

Three points from the resolution:

The European Parliament 1.   Urges the Commission to review the scientific basis and adequacy of the EMF limits as laid down in Recommendation 1999/519/EC and report to the Parliament; calls for the review to be undertaken...

David and Goliath battle in Switzerland for stop 5G rollout because of health risks

Update 13-7: Friday the CHANCE5G online platform will be launched. The initiative is funded by the Swiss Telecommunications Industry Association (ASUT) and its members, including telecom companies Sunrise, Swisscom, Cellnex as well as Ericsson and Huawei. They claim that the development of 5G is being held back by 'false conclusions and a lack of knowledge about the technology'. Update 29-2: In Switzerland, municipalities and cantons are battling against providers and the federal government that has auctioned the broadcasting licenses. The municipalities and cantons argue that the adaptive 5G antennas emit at much higher peak power so that...

Doctors in Germany protest against 5G

Source: Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Foto: Lichtgut/Leif Piechowski On Wednesday afternoon doctors demonstrated against 5G, in front of the State Department in Stuttgart. "We demand prevention strategies to protect the population, further research and a moratorium on the expansion of 5G," says Cornelia Mästle, physician for internal medicine and cardiology from Winterbach. "We have more and more patients in our practices who are hypersensitive to electrosmog," says Jörg Schmid, psychiatry and psychotherapy specialist in Stuttgart. The clinical images range from headaches, tinnitus, and concentration problems to cardiac arrhythmias. And even though a direct link between electromagnetic radiation and cancer has...

EU 5G Appeal – Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G

In an appeal to the European Union, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The scientists urge the EU to follow Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe, asking for an independent task force to reassess the health effects. "We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure...