Insurer Swiss Re: electromagnetic radiation highest risk category

One of the largest insurance companies of the world Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re) classifies electromagnetic radiation into the highest risk class. This category also includes endocrine disrupting chemicals. The text on p. 11 of the report: Anxiety over the potential risks related to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has risen. Studies are difficult to conduct, since time trend studies are inconsistent due to the still rather recent proliferation of wireless technology. The WHO has classified extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, such as radition emitted by cell phones, as

Major Austrian insurer AUVA finds effects of cell phones on DNA, EEG and human proteins

Update August 2016: AUVA Athem 2 report: "DNA damage from cell phones proven" (Article Diagnose Funk) On behalf of the major Austrian insurance company AUVA with over 4.3 million policyholders, research was carried out into the health effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones at levels well below current exposure limits, which only protect against warming. In the studies on healthy volunteers, the effects of the fields of the GSM-900 and UMTS technology were measured in a double-blind study. The main results are as follows: Increasing changes in EEG in the alpha spectrum,...

Clear evidence of the risks to children from smartphone and wifi radio frequency radiation

Professor Tom Butler of the University College Cork published a very informative paper on the risks that mobile digital technologies present to children, titled "On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR)." This paper is an in-depth review of independent peer-reviewed research. The findings are thought-provoking and alarming for parents and guardians of children and adolescents. Source: GR3C (Governance Risk and Compliance Competence Centre)


Parents and guardians need to act and should consider the following recommendations in order to exercise their personal duty of care: Educate children and adolescents...

Measured SAR ratings too high, phones withdrawn: Phonegate

Source: Phonegate Alert

General deceptions by manufacturers about the real exposure values of SARs:

The European and international standards that have been regulating the placing on the market of mobile phones for 30 years are seriously deficient to protect the health and safety of users. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) that measures our level of thermal exposure to waves is a faulty and misleading indicator. By using parameters that have nothing to do with real usage, manufacturers have knowingly misled consumers about the real SAR levels of their mobile phones. One of the artifices used is the indicator, until...

U.S. senator Blumenthal raises concerns on 5G wireless technology’s potential health risks

Source: U.S. Senate U.S. Senator Blumenthal criticizes the FCC & FDA for inadequate answers on outstanding public health questions. Wireless carriers concede they are not aware of any independent scientific studies on safety of 5G technologies. During the Feb. 7th Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing on the future of 5G wireless technology and their impact on the American people and economy, U.S. senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) raised concerns with the lack of any scientific research and data on the technology’s potential health risks.
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate...

Can cell phone radiation cause cancer? Yes, says NTP rat study

Source: NIEHS The National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors, according to final reports released today. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brain and adrenal glands of the exposed male rats. "The original objective of the study was to test the assumption that nonionizing radiation - which radiofrequency radiation is - could not...

Film: Ubiquity, what does it take to disconnect?

Watch it on Uitzending Gemist (Partly in Dutch) Source: Baldr Film (with trailer) - Translated by JRS The internet is closing ever more around us, with the ultimate goal of reaching everyone, anywhere, anytime. But some people cannot tolerate the radiation from wireless networks and feel the invisible pulses in their bodies. The brilliant Swedish engineer Per Segerback was at the cradle of Ericsson's smartphone. Now he has been living in the woods for 18 years, because he fell ill from the radiation. Asaka in Japan and Anouk in the Netherlands also suffer from the radiation from...

How cell phone radiation and wifi can harm you – written by a physicist whose own health was damaged

"Saying that RF radiation from wireless communication cannot do any harm because it is non ionising - the individual photon energy is not large enough - is the same as saying that a tsunami cannot cause any harm because the individual water molecules don’t have enough energy."Leendert Vriens, PhD - Physicist Physicist Leendert Vriens, PhD, who worked for 30 years at Philips Natlab, the world renowned physics research laboratory, explains how radio frequency radiation from wireless devices can harm your health. Weak electromagnetic fields from high voltage lines, domestic appliances, and radio-frequency radiation from wireless communication devices can induce biological effects...

Health problems due to LeafNut smart street light system in England

An interesting article in the Daily Mail. People living in the vicinity of new street lights report health complaints such as nosebleeds and miscarriages. An antenna is clearly visible on the street lamps. An IEEE engineer living there has measured electromagnetic radiation at 868MHz and attributes it to 5G. However, the Council says that there is no 5G in the lanterns. According to the information provided by, the article is misinformed and the reality of the situation is that this is the LeafNut central lamp management system, supplied by Harvard Technology of...

Radiation 5G antennas restricted: uncertainty about danger to public health

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs is considering national restrictions on the radiation emitted by transmission masts. The roll-out of 5G is expected to result in a proliferation of antennas, including in lampposts and bus shelters. This may pose a risk to public health. Source: Algemeen Dagblad, Peter Winterman. Translated from Dutch by JRS. "5G can operate at a higher frequency. That means more capacity, but the range of an antenna is shorter. As a result, many more small transmitters will be needed, which will appear everywhere in the streetscape" Spokesperson for the Ministry of Economic Affairs A document from...