Something Is In The Air – documentary about cell phone radiation and 5G

Source: FlippedMedia Is radiation from your cell phone or cell towers harmful for your health? Or the environment? The scientific debate is on-going. Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How do governments make sure the radiation stays within healthy limits? What will happen to insects when 5G is fully rolled out? These questions and many more are explored in this film, Something is in the air. Among the scientists interviewed are Dariusz Leszczynski and Anssi Auvinen.
Something Is In The Air - The cell phone radiation documentary
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Film: Ubiquity, what does it take to disconnect?

Watch it on Uitzending Gemist (Partly in Dutch) Source: Baldr Film (with trailer) - Translated by JRS The internet is closing ever more around us, with the ultimate goal of reaching everyone, anywhere, anytime. But some people cannot tolerate the radiation from wireless networks and feel the invisible pulses in their bodies. The brilliant Swedish engineer Per Segerback was at the cradle of Ericsson's smartphone. Now he has been living in the woods for 18 years, because he fell ill from the radiation. Asaka in Japan and Anouk in the Netherlands also suffer from the radiation from...

Generation Zapped: new documentary on wireless radiation and health

Generation Zapped is a crowd funded documentary film investigating the growing body of research on the alarming health risks associated with wireless technology. Today, we encounter more than 100,000 times the levels of Radio Frequency (RF) exposure from wireless technologies than we did decades ago when the FCC first published its regulations designed to protect us. The film features an impressive array of international scientists: Martin Blank, Lennart Hardell, Magda Havas and more, and public health policy experts. The film shines a light on the cause and effect relationships of RF exposure on infertility, learning disabilities, cancer and other diseases. Generation Zapped...

Documentary on wifi and health from ABC Catalyst

Could wifi-enabled devices be harmful to our health? You cannot see it or hear it but Wi-Fi blankets our homes, our schools and our cities. Australia’s safety agency says there’s no evidence of harm, but that’s not the same as saying its safe. A growing number of scientists are concerned that the widespread use of Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi-enabled devices could be slowly making us sick. In this Catalyst investigation, Dr. Maryanne Demasi explores whether our wireless devices could be putting our health at risk. This documentary was made by the Australian science reporter and presenter Dr. Maryanne Demasi...


Mobilize is an investigative documentary that explores the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation including brain cancer and infertility. This thought-provoking film by Kevin Kunze examines the most recent scientific research and the challenges politicians face trying to pass cell phone safety legislation. Through interviews with expert researchers, major mobile associates, and prominent politicians, Mobilize presents a balanced and insightful observation about this unspoken health issue.
Mobilize - Official Trailer

Resonance – Beings of Frequency

Beautiful and well-researched documentary in which 60 years of scientific research is covered. Highly recommended and eye-opener. Parallels are drawn between the naturally present electromagnetic radiation and the 'polluting' electrosmog. How does electrosmog prevent our body from curing early stage diseases?