Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic Fields and Radiofrequencies, November 2017

The Cyprus Medical Association, the Vienna Austrian Medical Chamber  and the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health have signed the Nicosia Declaration  on electromagnetic and radiofrequency radiation and have issued a Common Position Paper and 16 practical rules to educate people and reduce exposure to cell phones and wireless radiation. These practical steps are based on the existing rules published annually by the Medical Chamber of Vienna/Austria, the rules published by the Cyprus Committee on Environment and Children’s Health and the recent Reykjavik appeal 2017. Source:  

Cyprus removes Wi-Fi from kindergartens and halts wireless deployment into public elementary schools

Cyprus Minister of Education issues new Decree to minimize wireless radiation exposure to children in schools and require parental consent Update: Cyprus Brochure on Electromagnetic Fields in English Source: Environmental Health Trust The Cyprus Minister of Education and Culture issued a Decree on January 31, 2017, marked "urgent" to all Directors of Kindergartens and Primary Schools, with specific measures to eliminate and minimize wireless radiation exposure to children in schools. "We have taken the decision to have the wireless network Wi-Fi disabled in all Public kindergartens in Cyprus," reads the Decree. Wireless is to be removed from...

Bioinitiative working group issues a no confidence letter to the WHO emf programmanager

BioInitiative Working Group Issues a “No Confidence” Letter to the WHO EMF Program Manager (2016.12.19) The BioInitiative Working Group has advised the World Health Organization’s Dr. Emilie van Deventer that the membership composition of the RF Environmental Health Criteria Core Group is unacceptable. WHO is urged to make changes to the WHO RF EHC Core Group membership to more fairly reflect membership and expertise of the 2011 IARC RF Working Group. At present the WHO RF EHC Core Group is indistinguishable from ICNIRP (1, 2) undermining credibility of the process and ensuring doubt about conclusions. Read the Letter from the Bioinitiative...

Advice from Cyprus government committee for the Safety of the Environment and Children’s Health

The Council of Ministers of Cyprus established the National Committee for the Safety of the Environment and Children's Health in 2004 (orig. In Greek). The Committee's mission is to protect the fetus and the child from health threats in the environment, to promote normal physical, mental and emotional growth. This is a prerequisite for a healthy future for our children. Recently, the Committee issued an excellent educational video in which the use of wireless devices by children is strongly discouraged. Advice from Cyprus government committee for the Safety of the Environment and Children’s Health Educational video for pregnant...

Canadian Parliament recalls Health Canada on Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation

The Standing Committee on Health of the House of Commons in the Canadian Parliament issued a report on radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and health in June, 2015. The Committee held public hearings regarding Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 recommended limits on safe human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation. Witnesses testified to the Committee or submitted briefs that raised concerns about the adequacy of Safety Code 6 to protect the population from health risks due to RF radiation. Concerns were raised that the Royal Society of Canada's review of Safety Code 6 for Health Canada was biased. That the review excluded 140 key...

WHO classifies electromagnetic fields as potentially carcinogenic

On 31 May 2011, after a week of meetings by 31 scientists from 14 different countries, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), a division of the World Health Organisation WHO, announced in a press release that it will classify high-frequency electromagnetic fields (used by mobile telephony) in group 2b: 'possibly carcinogenic'. It does so mainly on the basis of Interphone and Hardell's research into brain tumours: glioma and auditory nerve tumours. In 2008, 237,913 new cases of brain tumours were recorded worldwide (2/3 of which concerned malignant gliomas). With this IARC statement, the WHO is leaving the...

Council of Europe advice on health risks of electromagnetic radiation

The document on the Council of Europe website: Resolution 12608 and press release resolution 1815 Link to Resolution 12608 in PDF file (alternate with markings). The Council of Europe, known from the European Convention on Human Rights, published a report on 6 May 2011 under the chairmanship of Jean Huss on the dangers to public health of electromagnetic fields. The committee calls for the lowering of exposure limits. The committee goes further than that: it recommends removing all...