Scientific studies on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation – Health risks of wireless equipment in the 5G era (full lecture transcript)

Expert 5G Meeting Provincial Council of Friesland 11 March 2020

[00:00:00] Hello, my name is Jan-Rutger Schrader. I am an electrical engineer. I was working in the research lab in the south of the country on the latest generation of cell phones. Whilst there it became clear to me that wireless technology was having a noticeable effect on my health and I felt I could no longer work in the wireless industry. I am a member of the Dutch Association of Measurement Specialists in Electromagnetic Radiation (VEMES). We offer EMF measurements to people who have complaints at home or in the...

Is wifi harmful to health?

Biological and Pathological Effects of 2.4 GHz WiFi Radiation on Cells, Fertility, Brain, and Behavior. By Isabel Wilke. Source: Environment • Medicine • Society. Special Edition in issue 1-2018. Translated from German by JRS. A very robust review article with thematically sorted discussion of scientific studies in detail - JRS.

What effects do studies on WiFi show?

Studies show that WiFi radiation causes oxidative stress, DNA damage, sperm damage, EEG changes, and other effects. This article is a systematic review of studies on the effects of non-ionizing radiation in the microwave (MW) frequency 2.45 GHz (2,450 MHz), which is mainly used for WLAN/WiFi (Wireless...

Health Risks from Cellphone & Cell Tower Radiation: Implications for 5G – Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD, UC Berkeley

Source: Center for Family and Community Health, UC Berkeley. Presented by Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD. Contents of this webinar: 97% of U.S. adults own a cellphone of some kind. The vast majority, 85%, own a smartphone. This presentation summarizes research on biologic and health effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation emitted by cell phones and cell towers. Dr Moskowitz discusses the implications of this research for 5G, the fifth generation of cellular technology. He starts by describing what wireless or radio frequency (RF) radiation is, including 5G, and its relationship to ionizing radiation....

5G health risks for highest frequencies unknown, writes Netherlands Health Council

2020 - In its report on 5G, the Health Council of the Netherlands recommends postponing the rollout of the 'second wave' 26 Gigahertz frequency band. No research has yet been conducted into the health risks of these high 5G frequencies. The committee advises to do more research into the connection with cancer, reduced male fertility and birth defects. The committee conducted a worldwide search for scientific studies related to this never before used 26 GHz frequency band, but only found a handful of radar studies. The nine-member committee writes in its report that there is a lot of public concern about...

EU 5G Appeal – Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G

In an appeal to the European Union, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The scientists urge the EU to follow Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe, asking for an independent task force to reassess the health effects. "We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure...

Bioinitiative Report: a scientists’ warning

The Bioinitiative Report has been updated over the years 2014-2019. See the updated research summaries below. This report has been written by 14 (fourteen) scientists, public health and public policy experts to document the scientific evidence on electromagnetic fields. Another dozen outside reviewers have looked at and refined the Report. The purpose of this report is to assess scientific evidence on health impacts from electromagnetic radiation below current public exposure limits and evaluate what changes in these limits are warranted now to reduce possible public health risks in the future. Not everything is known yet about this subject; but what is clear...

Major Austrian insurer AUVA finds effects of cell phones on DNA, EEG and human proteins

Update August 2016: AUVA Athem 2 report: "DNA damage from cell phones proven" (Article Diagnose Funk) On behalf of the major Austrian insurance company AUVA with over 4.3 million policyholders, research was carried out into the health effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones at levels well below current exposure limits, which only protect against warming. In the studies on healthy volunteers, the effects of the fields of the GSM-900 and UMTS technology were measured in a double-blind study. The main results are as follows: Increasing changes in EEG in the alpha spectrum,...

Can cell phone radiation cause cancer? Yes, says NTP rat study

Source: NIEHS The National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors, according to final reports released today. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brain and adrenal glands of the exposed male rats. "The original objective of the study was to test the assumption that nonionizing radiation - which radiofrequency radiation is - could not...

How cell phone radiation and wifi can harm you – written by a physicist whose own health was damaged

"Saying that RF radiation from wireless communication cannot do any harm because it is non ionising - the individual photon energy is not large enough - is the same as saying that a tsunami cannot cause any harm because the individual water molecules don’t have enough energy."Leendert Vriens, PhD - Physicist Physicist Leendert Vriens, PhD, who worked for 30 years at Philips Natlab, the world renowned physics research laboratory, explains how radio frequency radiation from wireless devices can harm your health. Weak electromagnetic fields from high voltage lines, domestic appliances, and radio-frequency radiation from wireless communication devices can induce biological effects...

Incidence of glioblastoma brain tumor increased tenfold between 1985 and 2015 in the U.K.

The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most virulent and deadly type of brain cancer, is going up in the U.K., while the incidence of other types of malignant brain tumors is declining, according to newly published data. Source of figures: Frank de Vocht, "Corrigendum," Environment International, posted January 25, 2017 Alasdair Philips from PowerWatch: “The simple take-home message of the two plots is that the number of the most aggressive type of brain tumors [GBM] is going up and the other types of lower-grade malignant glioma are going...