An ordinary wifi router broadcasts beacon signals 24 hours a day, 10 times a second. This generates a considerable amount of radiation in the home, clearly measurable. The unique JRS® Eco 100 wireless router automatically switches to Full Eco stand-by mode, reducing radiation to zero, when you turn off wifi on your computer and phone. When you reconnect to the wifi, the JRS Eco 100 router automatically switches the signal on again.
What makes these Asus® routers special is the JRS Eco firmware that runs on them. The first generation of JRS Eco wireless routers already significantly reduced the amount of electrosmog by reducing the pulse frequency of the beacon signals by a factor of 10. See Eco router: 90% reduced pulse frequency. The JRS Eco 100 technology takes it one step further.
How does the Eco 100 router work?
Only when one of your wifi devices sends a wifi connection request does the JRS Eco 100 router immediately turn on the wifi signal. This means it only switches on for devices that belong to you. Your wireless device sends such a connection request when you switch on the wifi slider or open the list of available wifi networks. This is automatic and you won’t notice any difference with a regular wifi router.
When you install the JRS Eco 100 router, it first goes into learning mode so you can easily connect all your devices. The router automatically keeps a list of your devices that have been connected to it. Once all your devices are listed, the router automatically switches to Full Eco mode, in which it is completely radiation-free when no wifi devices are connected to it.

The globally unique JRS Eco 100 technology is compatible with all brands and models of wireless devices: Android®, Apple®, Windows® and others. You don’t lose any wifi speed, range or stability. The JRS Eco 100 also offers a reduced pulse frequency, just like the previous generation JRS Eco wifi, even during use.
Can I accomplish the same by adjusting the settings in an ordinary router?
The JRS Eco 100 functionality, which automatically turns off the wifi signal completely in stand-by, is unique to the JRS Eco 100 operating system and is not available on ordinary routers.
People sometimes think that by setting a “Hidden SSID” on a regular wifi router, they reduce radiation. This is a misconception. With a ‘packet sniffer’ program like Wireshark you can determine that the router is still transmitting beacon packets, only the so-called ‘SSID’ field in these packets is set to zero. It doesn’t reduce radiation from the router in any way.
What about other settings? Often you can’t adjust the transmitting power in ordinary routers or only in rough steps. The JRS Eco 100 firmware offers fine tuning of the transmission power with 10 steps, which is not available in the regular Asus® firmware.
To what extent does an Eco router reduce my exposure to wifi radiation?
Wifi is two-way traffic. Although the Eco router greatly reduces the radiation of your router during stand-by and partly during operation, it does not reduce the radiation of your wireless devices. For each piece of data sent from the wifi router, a confirmation is sent back by your device. Wifi radiation from the devices is very strong and you keep the device very close to your body. Especially in data-intensive applications such as video, a lot of wifi radiation is emitted. By working with a wired Internet connection, you can minimize your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. See also the iPad® / iPhone® hardwired adapter.