Cornet ED98 QPro 5G All-in-One Meter: RF, EMF & Light

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All in one meter: radiofrequency radiation (RF), low-frequency magnetic and electric field, and light flicker. Measures cell towers (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), Wi-Fi, etc., frequency range 100 MHz – 8 GHz. With sound. Also measures high voltage cables, electric cars, etc., frequency range 50 Hz – 10 kHz.

SKU: ed98qpro5g Category:

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Latest version of March 2024: ED98 QPro 5G.

What a gem this meter is! An effective pocket-sized tool that allows you to easily detect electromagnetic fields (EMFs)  and reduce your exposure. Normally multiple separate meters are needed to measure different EMFs and light. Now you can detect nearly everything with one meter: radio frequency (RF), low frequency magnetic field, low frequency electric field, and light flicker.

Use this meter to accurately examine common RF fields, such as from cell phones, cell towers (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), wifi, bluetooth, wireless dect home phones, wireless cameras, or the microwave oven. Or low-frequency (LF) fields, magnetic or electric, e.g., from transformers, power lines, and household appliances.

  • Wide RF frequency range: 100 MHz – 8 GHz. Includes 5G. Unit: microwatt per square meter [uW/m2], decibel milliwatt [dBm] or volt per meter [V/m].
  • Magnetic field: 50 Hz – 10 kHz. Unit: microtesla [uT] / milligauss.
  • Electric field: 50 Hz – 10 kHz. Unit: volts per meter [V/m].
  • Light flicker: 0% – 80%.

The meter even has a log function that automatically stores all measured values in memory so you can review them later. This can be done on the display or with a computer via a USB cable. The fast log rate of 25,000 samples per second accurately captures modern digital signals.

The meter has an RF frequency counter and it can make the signal modulation audible so you can determine exactly which RF signal you are dealing with. For example, WLAN = 2.4 GHz carrier, 10 Hz pulsation, DECT = 1.8 GHz carrier, 100 Hz pulsation, etc.

Designed and made in Silicon Valley, USA.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions 70 x 135 x 23 mm / 2.8 x 5.3 x 0,9 inch
Frequency range Tri-mode: (1) high-frequency RF broadband, (2) low-frequency magnetic fields, (3) low-frequency electric fields
Frequency range & sensitivity (RF mode) 100 MHz to 8,0 GHz (-60 dBm to +5 dBm, 14 mV/m to 26 V/m, 0,5 uW/m2 to 1800 mW/m2)
Frequency range & sensitivity (magnetic field mode) LF600 mode: 50 Hz to 10 kHz (0,1 uT to 60 uT, 1 mG to 600 mG)

LF30 mode: 50 Hz to 1 kHz (0,01 uT to 1 uT, 0,1 mG to 10 mG)

Frequency range & sensitivity (electric field mode) 50 Hz to 50 kHz (10 V/m to 1000 V/m)
Light flicker 0% – 80%
Display units dBm, mW/m2, V/m, uT, mGauss, MHz, %
Display Graphical LCD with backlight
Audio analysis: Audio signal proportional to pulsation (modulation) frequency
Type of measurement: Peak and effective value
Power supply: 9 Volt battery (not included), operating time >20 hours