Bioinitiative working group issues a no confidence letter to the WHO emf programmanager

BioInitiative Working Group Issues a “No Confidence” Letter to the WHO EMF Program Manager (2016.12.19) The BioInitiative Working Group has advised the World Health Organization’s Dr. Emilie van Deventer that the membership composition of the RF Environmental Health Criteria Core Group is unacceptable. WHO is urged to make changes to the WHO RF EHC Core Group membership to more fairly reflect membership and expertise of the 2011 IARC RF Working Group. At present the WHO RF EHC Core Group is indistinguishable from ICNIRP (1, 2) undermining credibility of the process and ensuring doubt about conclusions. Read the Letter from the Bioinitiative...

WHO classifies electromagnetic fields as potentially carcinogenic

On 31 May 2011, after a week of meetings by 31 scientists from 14 different countries, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), a division of the World Health Organisation WHO, announced in a press release that it will classify high-frequency electromagnetic fields (used by mobile telephony) in group 2b: 'possibly carcinogenic'. It does so mainly on the basis of Interphone and Hardell's research into brain tumours: glioma and auditory nerve tumours. In 2008, 237,913 new cases of brain tumours were recorded worldwide (2/3 of which concerned malignant gliomas). With this IARC statement, the WHO is leaving the...